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Adélie vs other musl distros

All distributions here share the following characteristics:

# packages2093413211226747039
UserlandGNUBusyBoxOpenBSDBusyBox (default)GNU
Release ScheduleUpdates: Monthly

ABI breaking: 18 months
6 monthsRollingRollingRolling
Intended useGeneral; desktop focusGeneral; server focusAdvanced usersAdvanced usersGeneral; desktop focus
DocumentationWIP (intended: Complete)Mostly completeMinimalMostly completeComplete
Init system /
Service manager
OpenRCOpenRCsystemdBusyBox runsvrunit
Default shellzshBusyBox ashmkshBusyBox (default)Bash
Package version policyStableLatestLatestLatestMix
Supports 32-bit?YesYesYesNoYes
Runs on PowerPC?1YesNoYesNoUnofficially
1: Defined as supporting 32-bit and 64-bit big-endian PowerPC systems.


Adélie has the longest release cycle of any distribution, and is the only non-rolling distro outside of Alpine. We feel this is the best way to ensure stability.

Adélie is a general-purpose Linux distribution with a focus on desktop usage, but support for servers and other roles as well. Most other musl distributions focus on advanced users or non-interactive use.

Adélie focuses on shipping stable releases over the latest, bleeding-edge releases. This is for stability, security, and portability.

Adélie vs "mainstream" Linux distros

All distributions here share the following characteristics:

AdélieArchCentOSLinux MintopenSUSE Leap
# packages2093849824422292410728
Release ScheduleUpdates: Monthly

ABI breaking: 18 months
Rolling5 years6 monthsUpdates: Monthly

ABI breaking: 3-4 years
Intended useGeneral; desktop focusGeneralServer focusDesktop focusGeneral; desktop focus
DocumentationWIP (intended: Complete)CompleteCompleteCompleteComplete
Init system /
Service manager
Default shellzshBashBashdashBash
Package version policyStableLatestOldStableStable
Based onIndependentIndependentRHEL/FedoraUbuntuIndependent
Supports 32-bit?YesUnofficiallyNoUnofficiallyNo
Runs on PowerPC?1YesNo64-bit onlyUnofficially2No
1: Defined as supporting 32-bit and 64-bit big-endian PowerPC systems. 2: Via mintPPC.


Adélie strikes a balance between rolling and very-long-term release schedules by releasing new major versions every 18 months.

Adélie is an independent Linux distribution that uses zsh as its default shell, OpenRC instead of systemd, and runs on virtually all x86, PowerPC/IBM POWER, and ARM systems. Adélie additionally supports 32-bit computers.

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